
UHack utilises DevPost to manage project submissions for judging. DevPost is a free service for managing hackathons and project pages.

The UHack 2017 DevPost page is here:

You will need to do the following:

  • Register at least one person for the UHack hackathon in DevPost. To do this click the [Register for this hackathon] button on the UHack page, and sign up. Once you have created a DevPost account you will be able to create project pages.
  • Create a DevPost project page for your UHack project - you can do this via the [Enter a submission] button on the UHack page, or via your Portfolio in DevPost.
  • Submit your DevPost project to the UHack 2016 hackathon

When creating and editing your DevPost project make sure you:

  • Invite your team members onto the project via email.
  • Describe your project thoroughly in the "Here's the whole story" section. You use Markdown for this - check out this Cheatsheet for a quick introduction to Markdown formatting.
  • Put the links to your app and other resources (such as your BMC, screengrabs, etc.) in the "Try it out" field. You can add multiple links.
  • Upload images, such as screenshots, in the "Image Gallery"
  • Put the URL of your pitch video in the "Video demo"

You can also upload a zip file when you submit your project.

Submitting your project

How to submit in DevPost